Agile Ambrose

Honoring Our Past. Embracing Our Future.

St. Ambrose University Strategic Plan (2022-2027)

随着大学书写新的篇章,我们发现自己正处于一个转折点. Change is everywhere. The job market is changing. Demographics are changing. Student needs and expectations are changing. Agile Ambrose 准备好应对这些挑战并采取大胆行动重新定义自己的领导地位了吗 Catholic Learner-Centric University.

The St. Ambrose University Strategic Plan Agile Ambrose (2022-2027) is a roadmap 这将引导我们在教学、研究和正规买球平台有哪些服务方面取得卓越成就. On this webpage, 您将看到我们的战略计划和规划过程的概览, 以及我们的重点领域和战略成果的详细信息.


Strategic Plan

At St. Ambrose, 我们正规买球平台有哪些,周密的计划和周到的执行是成功的关键组成部分.

With that in mind, 我们制定了一项全面的战略计划和程序,概述了我们对未来的愿景,以及我们为实现目标将采取的步骤.

Strategic Context

To begin to appreciate the context in which the Agile Ambrose strategic plan was developed and is being implemented, consider some of the headwinds facing higher education:

  • Gen Z learners want shorter, less expensive, 在高需求行业提供更多直接通往职业的途径(质疑现状), 2022)
  • 68%考虑接受教育的成年人更倾向于非学位途径, up from 50% a year ago (Strada Education)
  • 更多的传统学生想要在线教育,专家预测在线学生将在五年内占所有大学生的30%(教育动态), 2022)
  • 3900万成年人上过大学,但没有学位或证书. 1.9 million live in Illinois; 655,908 of these adults live in Iowa. (National Student Clearinghouse, 2022)
  • 越来越多的雇主宣称他们愿意“在职培训”,IBM在美国的职位空缺中有50%不需要大学学位. (Gallup, 2022)

这只是高校面临问题的一个小例子. 高等教育部门正在经历一个前所未有的挑战和变革时期. Key among these is changing marketplace expectations, with students and employers alike demanding more practical, flexible, and technologically integrated educational experiences. 与此同时,令人担忧的是学生入学人数下降的趋势, 这一现象威胁到全国各地机构的可持续性.

Equally pressing is the increasing student debt burden, 给高等教育的价值主张投下了长长的阴影. 这种财政压力正在重塑公众对高等教育的看法, with a growing call for accountability, affordability, and tangible outcomes.

Furthermore, 技术变革和数字化颠覆的快速步伐正在重新定义学习和教学的意义. Today's students, digital natives, 期望教育体验不仅具有沉浸式和互动性,而且具有个性化和可访问性.

In response to these challenges, St. Ambrose University's Agile Amborse 制定战略计划以引导该机构走向以增长为标志的未来, resilience, and relevance.

Strategic Plan Framework

The St. Ambrose University Agile Ambrose strategic plan is built around three key components: strategic pillars, a strategic process, and areas of focus. 所有三个组成部分一起工作,以创建一个框架,以实现一个项目的目标和目的 Agile Ambrose.

Strategic Planning Framework

Strategic Plan Pillars

Planning Pillars

该战略计划是由对十字架四大支柱的承诺驱动的. Each pillar represents an anchor of our foundation.

  • Faculty, Staff, and Student Engagement Axis -蓬勃发展的教职员工是强大的学生参与的核心.
  • Faith, Tradition, and Innovation Axis -可以买滚球的正规平台平衡其植根于天主教知识传统和天主教社会教学的信仰传统与创新精神,推动大学在其一生中为学习者服务,同时认识到要成为一所以学习者为中心的大学, 我们必须为敏捷和进化努力建模,以新模式和新教学法满足新空间中的学习者.
Strategic Plan Process

Planning Process

To achieve our vision, we must continuously bring sustainability (clarity), focus, and growth to our strategy.

  1. Sustainability - 我们要解决什么问题?我们要去哪里? What infrastructure do we need to build to get there?
  2. Focus - Can we test the solution and see if it works?
  3. Growth - Can we scale to achieve the desired goal? How are we going to get there?
  4. Transformation - How has St. Ambrose been changed and transformed by an order of magnitude?
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

In applying the planning framework, the Agile Ambrose 战略计划包含以下四个重点领域, 每个都有几个战略举措:可持续发展基金会, Reimagining Learning, Students Thriving, and Strategic Growth.

Sustainable Foundations

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台坚定地致力于我们正规买球平台有哪些蓬勃发展的未来, supported by a solid foundation. Our strategic plan places the Sustainable Foundations area of focus 其核心是,强调我们致力于建立一个强大而适应性强的组织. 在这方面的重点措施,不仅是为了应付社会的即时需要,而且是为了预见和准备未来的需求. By focusing on expanding the capabilities of our people, continuously improving our policies and procedures, and enhancing our physical and technological resources, 我们正在为圣何塞的可持续发展和成就铺平道路. Ambrose.

Reimagined Learning

The Reimagined Learning area of focus 是一次大胆的尝试,重新定义我们作为天主教以学生为中心的教育领导者的地位. With an eye on the future of academia, 这个前瞻性的重点领域包含了多个重新设计学生教育体验的举措, 为如何提供和接受教育设定新的标准. These initiatives will not only prepare St. Ambrose students for future challenges, but will empower them to be the architects of tomorrow's world.

Reimagined Learning 强调我们致力于提供培养批判性思维的全人教育, ethical decision-making, and the pursuit of knowledge, all within the framework of our Catholic values. It's about creating a vibrant, 创新的学习环境,学生准备领导, innovate, and excel in a rapidly changing global landscape.

Students Thriving

At St. Ambrose University, our Students Thriving area of focus is more than just words - it is a commitment, 这是我们对每一个选择加入我们正规买球平台有哪些的学生做出的承诺. As a learner-centered institution, 我们致力于创造一个培养学生学术能力的环境, personal, and professional growth. Our dedicated strategic initiatives under the Students Thriving Banner是精心设计的,以确保我们的学生的成功不仅仅是一种可能性,而是一种确定性.

Strategic Growth

The Strategic Growth banner contains strategic initiatives designed to lead St. 可以买滚球的正规平台通过创新、转型和可持续发展走向未来. As the university charts a course of growth and renewal, 这一领域有几项举措旨在确保我们既尊重我们的传统,又向未来的可能性倾斜.

Strategic Plan Goals & Outcomes


  • Enrollment = 3000 students
  • Market Share = 12%
  • New Partnerships = 35
  • Operating Revenue = $72.5 million
  • Philanthropic Giving = $50 million

So, what's next?

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